Animal Testing

opening excerpt

The bartender asked me what I wanted, and I said a vodka soda. It felt like an appropriate drink to order after being ghosted by my internet boyfriend.

“You got it,” the bartender said, winking at me.

He tossed ice into a tumbler. Poured three glugs of Absolut into the glass and topped it up with soda. Added a dried-out slice of lime to the rim. Then he placed the tumbler atop a felt pad and slid it across the bar.

“Thanks,” I said.

I took a brief sip of the drink and opened George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

“Great book,” the bartender said, gesturing to the novel.

I had to admit he was attractive, as far as bartenders go. Tall, with the slightest hint of a beer gut, and a thick but well-trimmed beard. A tattoo peeked from underneath his Zeppelin t-shirt sleeve: curve of spotted paw, row of sharp claws. Maybe a leopard.

“Totally,” I said.

The truth was that I hadn’t read a single word of the book. I’d just pretended to read it as I waited for Travis - the internet guy – at Tako Sushi in Kensington Market. I’d chosen it because George Orwell was Travis’s favourite writer. Or so he said. I’d never know for sure, because he’d never shown up. And I still hadn’t even made it past the first sentence.

“I’m a Hemingway guy myself,” the bartender said casually, wiping down the counter. “He tells it like it is.”

“Me too. I love him,” I lied.

Settling back on my bar stool, I opened the book and tried to read. But the words wouldn’t orient themselves properly and I realized the book was upside down. The bartender smirked at me. Then a man and woman entered the bar, the freezing February wind gusting in behind them. I watched them settle themselves a few seats down.

“The usual?” The bartender reached across the bar and bumped the man’s fist.

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Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.



Moving Up