Hannibal Lecture


Hannibal Lecture, poet

Hannibal Lecture is a rising Canadian poet from BC's smokey Interior, which he leaves to wander cross-nation, attending various skate competitions, or just on a whim. Whichever way he goes, Hannibal does so spontaneously, sating a need to be free; alone with book and pen as he hunts inspiration. He mobs the forgotten layers, seeking strange kicks, new juice, and discoveries within realms beyond suburban convention. He has the capacity to contemplate, as well as provoke—which has opened doors beyond BC; beyond his native Canada: to regions and fans around the globe, who get down to his fresh, rapid-fire style of salivating oration.

You can keep up with his musings and misadventures on Instagram @hannibal.lecture

Honest Conception (interview) — Volume 1, Issue 3

Honest Conception: on the street with Hannibal Lecture gets down to brass tacks with the B.C. poet, exploring his approach to writing and his no-holds-barred philosophy on creative living.

Simon Says — Volume 1, Issue 1

Simon Says by Hannibal Lecture is a poem exploring the need for escapism, whether physical or mental; touching on the underlying reasons for addiction and substance abuse in a clever and humorous way.

Featured poet, Hannibal Lecture, reading from his recently released collection, 'Arguments with Mortality'. Hannibal's poetry was featured in Blank Spaces in...
Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.


Anne Lee Guide


Larry Kozlof