
an excerpt

Jake speaks: I was already swingin' the bat before I was even proper awake. It was their yellin' that woke me. I knew it were no nightmare.

I always knew they'd come back for me. I've watched out for them every day since the time before. They came at last. In my own flipping bedroom, for petes sake.

But I was ready for 'em. I'd been sleeping with a baseball bat, ya see?

"Come on you scumbags!" I hollered at them. No way I was going to let them take me again.

I couldn't tell how many of them there were. They had lights in the middle of their foreheads and I was blinded, ya see? I couldn't see their ugly faces. Must have been a half dozen of 'em, anyway. Hardly a fair fight, but I kept a'swingin'.

Then I heard a sound like thunder and that was that. When I come to, I heard the sirens a'howlin' and the critters were gone. Just me bleeding on the sheets. But I made it! Them scumbags didn't get Jake-freaking-Woodham this time!

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

Dandelion Seeds