It Feels Like Home to Me

Letter from the Editor as published in the September 2020 issue

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When you’re a dreamer, uncertainty can throw a major wrench into your fantasies. In this season of social distancing and hyper awareness, it’s easy to become jaded to anything beyond living in your pyjamas and eating bonbons until your jeans are only good for the donation bin. I’ve had to forcibly practice positive thinking and healthy habits; and though none of us know what tomorrow will bring, I’m making myself rethink old goals and set new ones.

One thing that has kept me pushing forward is the dedication of the Blank Spaces community. As of print time, we nearly reached our goal of having our fifth year fully funded. When I’ve needed it most, emails have dinged through the quiet to remind me that we’re doing good work. And now, here I sit, writing this piece for the FOURTH anniversary issue and I’m blown away at the ground we’ve covered in such a short time.

More than ever, Canada needs a positive place to celebrate diverse artists, and I’m happy to know that, bit by bit, we’re worming our way into all its corners.

In the last four years we’ve had the incredible privilege to publish the work of Canadians from a beautiful mosaic of backgrounds, resulting in a collection that represents the true nature of this country. We are all just people striving for a better world; a world where colour, religion, sexual orientation, political views, and social status hold no bearing on our position in the collective experience. And until that day comes (and long after) we remain committed to providing a platform that welcomes all voices.

One month into lockdown I watched the Global Citizen and World Health Organization presentation of One World: Together at Home. Jennifer Lopez’s version of “People” knocked on the door of my heart. Because it was the whole truth. People need people. We’re in this together—whether we’re talking about surviving a global pandemic or another year of publication—people need people.

Thank you for being our people. Thank you for your advocacy and support. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for allowing us to build this platform. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for reading. Thank you for submitting. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for four amazing years. Thank you for standing by us as we head off into the future. Thank you for helping us fill the gaps with story and colour.

Blank Spaces is like home to me. I hope you feel the same.

Alanna Rusnak

     Editor in Chief, Blank Spaces

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

Launching into our 5th Year at 80% funded!


What We’re Talking About in Issue 0501 (September 2020)