"Wrinkles" by Andrea MacArthur — Our June 2017 Bronze Medal Winner

Andrea MacArthur is our third place winner from the contest posted in our June,2017 issue!


Meet Andrea

Andrea MacArthur grew up in Windsor and her favourite subjects were music and English/writing. She was fortunate to have many opportunities to sing in church choir, cantatas and worship teams. She was always writing journals and after travelling abroad for a number of years, became very diligent in writing monthly newsletters to keep family and friends updated.

Andrea attended St. Clair College in Windsor where she received her three year Musical Theatre/Performance Diploma. Upon graduation from college she met her husband and they have an active 5 year old who keeps them on our toes. They currently live in Walkerton, Ontario.

What Andrea had to say:

I am so thankful and excited for an opportunity to have a creative writing outlet to try my hand at!



the unedited story by Andrea MacArthur

I look down at these old, wrinkled and worn hands I am reminded of how they got each line, freckle and callous. They’ve been through a lot these hands, helped me do many things, and have countless stories to tell.

They traced the lines of a page that I was learning to read. They helped me form the first letters to print my name. They counted numbers when I learned arithmetic.

As I grew older my left hand held the symbol of a promise to my husband.

As I grew older still my hands have changed diapers, wiped tears, bandaged scrapes and made meals. These old, wrinkled and worn hands represent a life that was lived, a life that was lived well and to the fullest.

Now while I sit with my old, wrinkled and worn hands folded in my lap, I realize they are tired. These hands that have brought me through life are tired but grateful.

On the outside these hands expose all that life has brought me through; each wrinkle earned and each callous received with unexpected affection. But on the inside these hands have shaped me to see nothing but my hands as they were, pure and flawless. Grasping that young and old come together to form a uniquely beautiful, wrinkled life.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.


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