Nicoline Antonovitch


Nicoline Antonovitch, writer, poet

Nicoline Antonovitch studied Professional Writing at Algonquin College and has appeared in small papers and online publications. She writes with the vulnerability of an exposed nerve and cries at the drop of a hat. Her stubbornness, bushy black eyebrows, and love of sour cream all stem from her Slavic-European background. Her work deals with discomfort and vulnerability, and she writes to heal and hurt. In spare moments, she enjoys spending a great deal of time thinking about writing without actually writing, and desperately trying to keep her plants alive.

Stammer and the SlopeVolume 5, Issue 4

Stammer and the Slope by Nicoline Antonovitch is a vulnerable story of fierceness and forgiveness as the author faces the hindrance of her speech impediment and the mockery of her father during a night skiing expedition.

Death by GirlVolume 5, Issue 3

Nicoline Antonovitch’s poem Death By Girl explores the rush of writing and the exhilarating moment of making someone fall in love with you through your words.

From Antonia, With Love and FuryVolume 5, Issue 2

From Antonia, With Love and Fury, by Nicoline Antonovitch is a raw and unapologetic response to the actions of a lost friend, ripe with emotion and blurring the lines between affection and anger until it flirts with forgiveness.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

Vanessa R. Bradley


Fraser Sager